Tera-QuaNTA Research Laboratory


Terahertz Spectroscopy of Low-Dimensional Materials

1. Pump-probe measurements of nanomaterials
2. Ultrafast Spintronics and Magnonics
3. THz time-domain interferometry

The project investigates condensed matter using state-of-the-art terahertz spectroscopic techniques to drive, probe, and control the charge, spin, and vibrational dynamics in modern low-dimensional materials such as quantum, topological and strongly correlated materials. The work involves building the optical setup consisting of terahertz generation/detection and a pump-probe capabilities to perform the ultrafast/transient spectroscopic measurements of the material of interest. Results of our research will lead to an increased understanding of the non-equilibrium many-body dynamics, picosecond physics, ultrafast spintronics, quantum phases and strong-field physics in condensed matter as well as development of novel opto-electronic and spin driven devices.

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Research Topic 2: THz Photonic Devices for Quantum Technologies

1. Ultrastrong/Deepstrong Polaritonics
2. Cavity control of Quantum Matter
3. Exploring the Quantum Vacuum

In this project, we aim to study and modify the physical properties of quantum matter using quantum light in the realm of nonlinear processes and cavity-quantum electrodynamics (c-QED). The outcome of the project is to generate quantum terahertz sources from the squeezed vacuum state and envision their applications in the quantum sensing and information processing protocols. The project also interested in exploring superconductivity and ferroelectric phase transitions in the quantum materials in the cavity-QED domain. The aim of the project is also to develop novel terahertz time domain interferometers for performing quantum measurements, metrology and sensing applications.

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Research Topic 3: Spintronic Devices for THz Applications

1. Reconfigurable THz Nonlinear and Quantum Devices
2. Superconductor and Topological photonics
3. THz Sensors, Scanners and Imaging

The terahertz spectrum being the ‘sub-millimeter’ (30µm-3mm) waves, their amalgamation with the ‘micro-nano’ photonic structures gives rise to a new regime of ‘deep-subwavelength photonics’ that offers exciting prospects and opportunities in both scientific as well as technological fronts beyond the conventional photonic devices. Our interest is to investigate and explore the novel terahertz phenomena in the linear, nonlinear and quantum regimes of light-matter interactions using metamaterials and photonic topological insulator cavities to develop functional devices for applications in sensing, imaging, quality control, metrology, beam engineering and communication technologies.

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